what i wish to wear today

     I've been reading all day about the French ban of the burqa (or burkha), and I've found it fascinating.  I kept switching back and forth between sides.  If women want to wear the burqa as a religious expression, I'd be the last person wanting to take that right from them.  But it seems that burqas are overwhelmingly forced upon women by their husbands, in which case I am profoundly against it.
      Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all have a history of head-covering, often being a sign of holiness.  I think it is beautiful to express what you believe, as long as you are not forced into an expression that is not your own.
      I think it is a thing to celebrate that French-Muslim women, who could not before, can now (well, since September 2010) show their faces, hands, and feet!

(Disclaimer: I'm pretty positive this outfit is not up to Shar'iah law or anything, its just my interpretation.)

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